Opera Online


12 october 2024, Saturday
Results of the 5th International Adam Didur Opera Vocal Competition

The Jury of the 5th International Adam Didur Opera Vocal Competition, after listening to the twelve participants in the third stage, who performed three opera arias accompanied by an orchestra – including one aria in costume with elements of stage acting – and after calculating the results of the third stage and summarizing the results of all previous stages of the competition, has decided to award the following prizes:

Honorable Mentions – 12,900 PLN (equivalent to 3,000 EUR) awarded to:

  • Kamila Dutkowska
  • Monika Radecka
  • Filip Rutkowski

3rd Prize – 30,100 PLN (equivalent to 7,000 EUR) awarded to:

  • Iryna Haich

2nd Prize – 43,000 PLN (equivalent to 10,000 EUR) awarded to:

  • Aleksandra Blanik

1st Prize – 64,500 PLN (equivalent to 15,000 EUR) awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Best Accompanist Prize – 6,450 PLN (equivalent to 1,500 EUR) awarded to:

  • Gabriela Lasota

Audience Favorite Prize (10,000 PLN, awarded by Mariusz Wołosz, President of Bytom) with 117 votes awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Best Polish Participant Prize (10,000 PLN, awarded by Marcin Krupa, President of Katowice) awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Franz Landsberger Descendants’ Prize – 4,300 PLN (equivalent to 1,000 EUR) awarded to:

  • Tomasz Theil

Semperoper Dresden Director’s Prize | Invitation to perform in a production at Semperoper Dresden awarded to:

  • Filip Rutkowski

Director of Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw, Waldemar Dąbrowski Prize for the best performance of a Stanisław Moniuszko aria | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Director of Wrocław Opera, Tomasz Janczak Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Wrocław Opera awarded to:

  • Aleksandra Blanik

Director of Polish Royal Opera in Warsaw, Magdalena Kaczorowska Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at the Polish Royal Opera awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Director of Baltic Opera in Gdańsk, Romuald Wicza-Pokojski Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at the Baltic Opera awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Director of Teatr Wielki in Poznań, Renata Borowska-Juszczyńska Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Teatr Wielki in Poznań awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Director of Lviv National Opera, Vasyl Vovkun Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Lviv National Opera awarded to:

  • Gabriela Legun

Director of Warsaw Chamber Opera, Alicja Węgorzewska-Whiskerd Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Warsaw Chamber Opera awarded to:

  • Małgorzata Priebe

Director of the Competition and Silesian Opera, Łukasz Goik Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Silesian Opera awarded to:

  • Aleksandra Blanik, Monika Radecka, Tomasz Theil

President of the Polish-Ukrainian Paderewski Foundation, Adam Bala Prize | Invitation to perform in a concert organized by the foundation awarded to:

  • Iryna Haich

Director of the Paderewski Center in Kąśna Dolna, Łukasz Gaj Prize | Invitation to perform at the final concert of the BRAVO MAESTRO festival on August 24, 2025 awarded to:

  • Kamila Dutkowska